Illustration created for the latest edition of the "La Poesia Illustrata" illustration contest.
The poem I chose was one from the collection Poesie, Einaudi 1999, by Patrizia Cavalli.
Well, let's see how you flourish,
how do you open, what color are your petals,
how many pistils do you have, what tricks do you use
to spread your pollen and repeat yourself,
if you have languid or violent flowering,
what posture do you take, where do you lean,
if in dying you become soaked or withered,
come on, I'll watch, you blossom.
how do you open, what color are your petals,
how many pistils do you have, what tricks do you use
to spread your pollen and repeat yourself,
if you have languid or violent flowering,
what posture do you take, where do you lean,
if in dying you become soaked or withered,
come on, I'll watch, you blossom.
[italian original version]
Bene, vediamo un po’ come fiorisci,
come ti apri, di che colore hai i petali,
quanti pistilli hai, che trucchi usi
per spargere il tuo polline e ripeterti,
se hai fioritura languida o violenta,
che portamento prendi, dove inclini,
se nel morire infradici o insecchisci,
avanti su, io guardo, tu fiorisci.
come ti apri, di che colore hai i petali,
quanti pistilli hai, che trucchi usi
per spargere il tuo polline e ripeterti,
se hai fioritura languida o violenta,
che portamento prendi, dove inclini,
se nel morire infradici o insecchisci,
avanti su, io guardo, tu fiorisci.
"Poetry is taking something and removing the superfluous to make it shine" said Patrizia Cavalli, and she couldn't have said it better.

I thought it would look good as a book cover, so I made this template and had some fun with the title and name of the author and publisher.