For their 30th anniversary, the Oltremare social cooperative asked me to design a poster to celebrate their work in the field of fair trade and social economy, an economy that believes in the respect of people and the environment. It goes without saying that I was more than happy to work on such a project.
They wanted the people behind the cooperative to be the center of the artwork, meaning that is the connection and cooperation among people the core of a successful social economy, and plants to represent the natural resources that permit us to thrive and the world we must protect and respect.
My first idea was to represent this network of people as a fabric, or better the pattern of a fabric, along with the sentence "il nostro motivo migliore" (which in italian can both mean "our best pattern" and "our best reason"), but despite his cleverness, this phrase conveyed the idea that people were the only good reason for the efforts of the cooperative, and we wanted to include the environment as well.
So in the end we decided to go for the reinterpretation of their logo, a globe, composed of the people pattern and supported by a nature-made base. "30 years and beyond, together towards orizons of rights, sustainability and community" was the slogan chosen for it.

The first pitched idea and some WIP leading to the final piece:

Some of the characters (diversity is the key word!)

The back of the postcard made as advertising material for the recurrence (the front was the same as the poster):

and finally a character who somewhat looks a bit like me: