"A stationary tandem bike is a funny thing: two can do all the pedalling the can, still they don't go anywhere. But is it important to go somewhere, really? Sometimes it's not, sometimes it's enough to have the right person next to you"
I'm happy to say this illustration was selected for the Tapirulan 2024 Exhibition and catalogue!
The theme for 2023 Tapirulan illustration contest was "tandem", and eventhough I haven't been to the gym in years, this is the scene I imagined. Maybe I subconsciuosly put together the theme with the name of the association (which is the Italian pronunciation of "tapis roulant"), who knows, but it was fun thinking about a tandem bike that doesn't go anywhere, an exercise-tandem-bike that in the end is just an excuse to have a sweaty hug (yuck). I titled it "I'd go nowhere with you" because sometimes what counts isn't the destination nor the journey, just having your butts in the same vehicle.
Before being a stretched bike with two seats, "Tandem" was Latin for "finally/after a long wait"... In this gym everybody is welcome, nobody feels judged nor stared at, everyone is free to be themselves. Well, entering a place like that I'd really think "finally"...

I also had some fun making the layout of a fake magazine article, just to see how it would look on the page.